Friday, December 07, 2007

Lecture: New directions in the psychology of chronic pain management - Dr Lance McCracken

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 34.4Mb Duration: 1:11:35
Listen to lo-fi stream

Further reading:
DAHL, J., & LUNDGREN, T. (2006). Living beyond your pain using acceptance and commitment therapy to ease chronic pain. Oakland, CA, New Harbinger Publications.

HAYES, S. C., STROSAHL, K., & WILSON, K. G. (1999). Acceptance and commitment therapy an experiential approach to behavior change. New York, Guilford Press.

MCCRACKEN, L. M. (2005). Contextual cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain. Progress in pain research and management, v. 33. Seattle, IASP Press.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Saturday, December 01, 2007

BPS: The assessment of pain in older people

Concise guidance to good practice—The assessment of pain in older people published by the British Pain Society
download ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Notice of meeting: West of Scotland Pain Group - Acceptance in Pain - Wednesday 5th December

Dr Lance McCracken will speak to the West of Scotland Pain Group on Contextual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance. Lance McCracken is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead of the Pain Management Unit, Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, in Bath and author of many papers and publications including 'Contextual Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain'

Wednesday 5th December 2007 at 7pm

Walton Conference Centre
Southern General Hospital 1345 Govan Road

This meeting is open to all interested healthcare professionals and students in the West of Scotland.

Supper available from 1830. New caterers have been appointed and will be unveiling their brand new menu. Don't miss it!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Meaning - slides

Magnitude - slides

Chronic pain after surgery - meaning

Chronic pain after surgery. More than just a nuisance?

Chronic pain can complicate a third of even relatively minor surgical procedures with far-reaching consequences for patient and family. Why does it happen? What can be done to mitigate the problem?

A seminar in three movements held jointly with the Glasgow Southern Medical Society:
'Magnitude' Dr William Macrae, Dundee
'Molecules' Dr Mick Serpell, Glasgow
'Meaning' Dr David Craig, Glasgow

In this lecture we hear Dr David Craig discuss the meaning to patients of chronic pain. This is followed by audience discussion.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 20.3Mb Duration: 42:13
Listen to lo-fi stream

Chronic pain after surgery - molecules

Chronic pain after surgery. More than just a nuisance?

Chronic pain can complicate a third of even relatively minor surgical procedures with far-reaching consequences for patient and family. Why does it happen? What can be done to mitigate the problem?

A seminar in three movements held jointly with the Glasgow Southern Medical Society:
'Magnitude' Dr William Macrae, Dundee
'Molecules' Dr Mick Serpell, Glasgow
'Meaning' Dr David Craig, Glasgow

In this lecture we hear Dr Mick Serpell discuss the drug treatment of neuropathic pain.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 13.4Mb Duration: 27:54
Listen to lo-fi stream

Chronic pain after surgery - magnitude

Chronic pain after surgery. More than just a nuisance?

Chronic pain can complicate a third of even relatively minor surgical procedures with far-reaching consequences for patient and family. Why does it happen? What can be done to mitigate the problem?

A seminar in three movements held jointly with the Glasgow Southern Medical Society:
'Magnitude' Dr William Macrae, Dundee
'Molecules' Dr Mick Serpell, Glasgow
'Meaning' Dr David Craig, Glasgow

In this lecture we hear Dr Bill Macrae discuss the magnitude of the problem.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 16.7Mb Duration: 34:53
Listen to lo-fi stream

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Best of the Web: A journey to the center of your mind—Vilayanur Ramachandran

In a wide-ranging talk, Vilayanur Ramachandran explores how brain damage can reveal the connection between the internal structures of the brain and the corresponding functions of the mind. He talks about phantom limb pain, synesthesia (when people hear color or smell sounds), and the Capgras delusion, when brain-damaged people believe their closest friends and family have been replaced with imposters.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Notice of meeting: Chronic pain after surgery—More than just a nuisance?

Chronic pain after surgery—
More than just a nuisance?

Chronic pain can complicate a third of even relatively minor surgical procedures with far-reaching consequences for patient and family. Why does it happen? What can be done to mitigate the problem?

A seminar in three movements held jointly with the Glasgow Southern Medical Society:
'Magnitude' Dr William Macrae, Dundee
'Molecules' Dr Mick Serpell, Glasgow
'Meaning' Dr David Craig, Glasgow

Date and time:
Thursday, November 22nd 2007, 6.15 for 7.00pm
Buffet available from 6.15pm

Ebenezer Duncan Centre
Victoria Infirmary, Langside, Glasgow

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

PostScript - Area Drugs & Therapeutics Committee and pain drugs

Pain drugs appear prominently in this month's edition of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde's Area Drugs & Therapeutics Committee's publication.
Download postscript (pdf)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

SMC: ziconotide

Ziconotide (Prialt®) is not recommended for use within NHS Scotland for the treatment of severe, chronic pain in patients who require intrathecal analgesia.
more ...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

NBPA Winter Scientific Meeting - 'I fought the the Law and the Law won'

Medico-legal issues in Chronic Pain Management
(5 CEPD Points)
Friday 16th November 2007

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
9 Queen Street

Full programme here ...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

West of Scotland Pain Management Lecture Programme 2007-2008

In addition to the West of Scotland Pain Group meetings, the following lecture series will be run this year. These talks are aimed at trainees in all medical specialties, nursing, and professions allied to health, but of course GPs and consultants are welcome too.

All lectures are on the first Tuesday of the month (except the January lecture which is on Wednesday 9th) at 17.15 for 17.30hrs. They take place at the Walton Centre, Southern General Hospital.

2nd October 2007
Assessment in Chronic Pain Patients - Dr Mike Basler
Anatomy and Physiology of Pain - Dr Pete MacKenzie

6th November 2006
Back and Musculoskeletal Pain - Dr Gavin Gordon
Pain control in Rheumatology - Dr Elaine Morrison

4th December 2007
Psychology in Chronic Pain - Dr David Craig
Psychiatry and Chronic Pain TBC

9th January 2008
Neuropathic Pain - Dr Mick Serpell
Endocrine effects of long term opioid use - Dr Kathleen Cooke

5th February 2008
Acute Pain and Outcomes after Surgery - Dr Grant Haldane
Morphine –6-glucoronide - Dr Sandy Binning

4th March 2008
Pain Management in Palliative Care - Dr Alison Mitchell
Interventional Cancer Pain Management - Dr Lisa Manchanda

1st April 2008
Physiotherapy in Chronic Pain - Aline Williams
Registrar’s Presentation - Dr Margaret Owen

6th May 2008
Pharmacological Management of Pain - Jon McGhie
Evidence Based Treatment - Dr Colin Rae

3rd June 2008
Interventional Pain Management - Dr Pete MacKenzie
Failed Back Surgery - TBC

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Notice of meeting: The Work of the Scottish Medicines Consortium

The first meeting of the season is on Wednesday 3rd October at 1900.

Ken Paterson of the Scottish Medicines Consortium will speak to the West of
Scotland Pain Group on the work of the SMC.

This meeting is open to all interested healthcare professionals and students
in the West of Scotland - spread the word!

Supper available from 1830.

Walton Conference Centre
Southern General Hospital 1345 Govan Road
GLASGOW, Glasgow City G51 4TF
United Kingdom

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

NBPA Winter Scientific Meeting

A date for your diary:
16th November 2007 Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
"I fought the Law and the Law won"

Friday, June 22, 2007

Medical NLP - a discussion with Garner Thomson and Jonathan Bannister

What is NLP? How can healthcare professionals utilise NLP techniques to understand their patients better? What does NLP contribute to the therapeutic encounter?
In this West of Scotland Pain Group discussion, Garner Thomson, Training Director to the Society of Medical NLP and Jonathan Bannister, Consultant Anaesthetist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee discuss the place of NLP in pain management and anaesthesia.

The Society of Medical NLP

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture File size: 7.2Mb Duration: 15.03
Listen to lo-fi stream

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

West of Scotland Pain Group AGM - minutes

West of Scotland Pain Group AGM

9th May 2007, 1930
Republic Bier Hall

Present: Fiona Allan, Lew-Chin Chee, David Craig, Robin McKinlay, Lars Williams
Apologies: Ruhy Parris, Jonathan Oates, Ajit Panickar, Mick Serpell, Judith Wilson

1. Secretary’s Report
(i) Attendance
Better attendance figures this year, over 30 for first meeting, possibly reflecting fewer meetings this year

(ii) Website
Once again, we would like to thank Jonathan Oates for setting up and maintaining the excellent website, at Recent developments include posting of links to other pain organisations, BPS, IASP, etc. The website has attracted favourable comment from readers / listeners in the US, and one US trainee got in touch via the website to ask about a sabbatical in Glasgow

(iii) Venue & Catering
The Walton Centre at the Southern General has proven a good (and cheap) venue, probably easier to reach for most than the EDC. The venue will be demolished at some time over the next few years but we will continue to use it for as long as we can. LW looked into alternatives, including the Royal College and Lang’s hotel, but these would be too expensive at our current level of income.

Catering for the coming season still to be arranged. We have tried both internal and external options and neither has been entirely satisfactory. A takeaway curry or similar might be ideal? We will look into this option for the forthcoming programme.

Postscript 12/6/7: The Walton has been booked for the following dates:
weds 3rd oct 2007
weds 5th dec 2007
weds 5th march 2008
(weds 1st oct 2008)
(weds 3rd dec 2008)
Meetings will run 1830 – 2100

(iv) Joint Meeting with EoSPG, Langs Hotel
This was a resounding success, despite many unexpected obstacles. All on the committee expressed relief that the next meeting would be organised by Steve Gilbert from the East group.

2. Treasurer’s Report 2005-2006
This was submitted by Lew-Chin and is appended below.

3. Chairman’s Report
Robin thanked the committee for their hard work during the last year, particularly all the work involved in setting up the joint meeting. Robin announced his intention to step down, and suggested that Lars take over as Chairman, in order to keep some continuity and also to establish a precedent whereby the secretary goes on to become chair.

All present thanked Robin for all his hard work

4. Election of new committee members
Before tonight’s meeting, both Robin and Lew-Chin announced their imminent departure from the committee, with Lars hoping to escape too. Unfortunately we could find no-one to take over our posts….So, Lew-Chin has kindly agreed to stay on as treasurer for the time being, Lars will act as chairman, and we will headhunt a new secretary.

David and Fiona have kindly agreed to acting as specialty representatives for, respectively, psychology and pharmacy. These new posts will include responsibility for advertising the group to the post-holders’ specialties, and suggesting and arranging talks relevant to these specialties.

Postscript 12/6/7:
Jonathan Oates has kindly agreed to take over as secretary.
Claire MacKelvie has kindly offered her services as a physiotherapy representative.

5. Speakers for next year
A few suggestions discussed – putative speakers to be contacted.

Postscript 12/6/7:
We now have speakers booked for October and December, thanks to Fiona and David for arranging these.

We had some discussion about the rolling educational programme of tutorials, co-ordinated by the current pain fellow. When this programme first started, we ran the tutorials before the WoSPG meetings to maximise attendance, although this meant starting the tutorials at 5pm sharp. Over the last few years the tutorial programme has become increasingly popular, with people coming to the tutorials from throughout the city, so the 5pm start is proving difficult. We decided it would be best to separate the tutorials from the main WoSPG programme, although we will continue to advertise them through the WoSPG website.

Meeting closed 220hrs
LW 12/6/7


Anticipated balance of funds reported 2005-6 = 3675.60
Anticipated balance of funds reported 2004-5 = 3361.94

Sette Odori £220
Joint meeting £1825.00 = 2045.00

Hire of Glasgow Western Postgraduate Medical Centre = 0

Fee for promotional stands = 0

Speakers gifts = 100.00

Speakers expenses = 0

Grants = nil


Trade stands = 1700.00

Sponsorship of speakers expenses = 0

Interest April 06 to Mar 07 (estimated) = 63.25

TOTAL INCOME = 2293.25
SURPLUS = 148.25

Treasurers Account(25.4.7) = 3523.35


I am pleased to announce that our finances continue to be in good health. We had a surplus of £148.25 from this year. This is due to a combination of factors. Firstly, the free venue for meeting, this year at the Southern General Hospital, with no promotional stand fee. Secondly, very meticulous planning on the committee’s behalf to ensure that we had a good delegate attendance and support from pharmaceutical companies to offset the costs of the joint meeting in March.

It has been a pleasure to serve the group.However, after three years, I feel it is time to relinquish this post to another willing volunteer. New energy is required to be injected into this post to ensure that we can continue to organise high quality meetings which will attract all of those involved in the business of pain in the West of Scotland.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Southampton Experience

This lecture was given by Dr Cathy Price, Consultant in Pain Management for the Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. Her lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Dr Price is introduced by Dr Martin Dunbar. Audience questions and panel discussion follow the lecture.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 16.6Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

What Difference Do Guidelines Make?

This lecture was given by Dr Raymond Ostelo of the EMGO Institute, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. His lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Dr Ostelo is introduced by Dr Martin Dunbar.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 14.5Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Targeted Early Access to Musculoskeletal Services: The Welsh Experience

This lecture was given by Dr Rhian Lewis, Consultant in Pain Management from Bangor, North Wales, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. Her lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Dr Lewis is introduced by Dr Martin Dunbar.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 9.0Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Self Management of Arthritis in Primary Care: A Randomised Control Trial

This lecture was given by Dr Marta Buszewicz, General Practitioner from North London and Senior Lecturer in Community Based Teaching & Research at UCL, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. Her lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Dr Buszewicz is introduced by Dr Martin Dunbar.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 10.9Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Addressing Psychosocial Issues in Primary Care

This lecture was given by Dr David Craig, Consultant Clinical Psychologist with NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. Dr Craig is introduced by Dr Colin Rae. The lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

The lecture is followed by panel discussion with questions from the audience. My sincere apologies for the near inaudible questions. This was addressed in the afternoon session.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 21.4Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Is Primary Care Equiped to Provide Effective Management of Chronic Pain?

This lecture was given by Professor Gary Macfarlane, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Aberdeen, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. Professor Macfarlane is introduced by Dr Colin Rae. The lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 16.0Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

The Current State of Pain Management Services in Primary Care in the UK

This lecture was given by Dr Martin Johnson, a General Practitioner from Barnsley, Yorkshire, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh on Friday 18th May, 2007. This lecture forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Dr Johnson is introduced by Dr Colin Rae.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 14.6Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

The Broad Picture: Recent Developments in Longterm Condition Management

This lecture was given by Dr Aileen Keel, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, to the North British Pain Association Spring Scientific Meeting on Friday 18th May, 2007 and forms part of a conference "Blurring the Boundaries - Managing Pain in Primary Care and Secondary Care".

Dr Keel is introduced by Dr Colin Rae.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 14.3Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

West of Scotland Pain Group AGM - 9th May 2007, 1930

West of Scotland Pain Group AGM
9th May 2007, 1930
Venue: Republic Bier Hall 9 Gordon Street, Glasgow


1. Secretary’s Report
- Attendance
- Website
- Venue
- Joint meeting with EoSPG, Langs Hotel

2. Treasurer’s Report

3. Chairman’s Report

4. Election of new committee members

5. Speakers for next year


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cancer Pain lectures - 1st May 2007

We all have an excellent opportunity to attend lectures on Cancer Pain Management by Dr. Alison Mitchell, Consultant Palliative Care Medicine and Interventional Pain Management by Dr. Judith Wilson, Senior SpR, Anaesthetics and Pain Management.

Please come along and enjoy an educational evening.

Venue - Walton Conference centre, Southern General Hospital
Date/Time - May 1st, 2007, Tuesday, at 17:30.

Thank you,
Mahesh Chaudhari
SpR Pain Management

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The joint meeting at Lang's hotel was a great success, despite the train strike and the football....thanks to all who made the effort to come.

The last remaining meeting for this academic year is the AGM, which will be on wednesday 9th may, at 7.30pm.
Just like last year, we'll hold the AGM in a nice Glasgow pub, moving on to a pleasant restaurant for something to eat once the business has concluded. A most agreeable way to spend an evening, I'm sure you'll agree. Although last year the only people who turned up were the committee themselves.

Hopefully this year turnout will be better, because the current committee, having served their 3 years, are planning to step down after the AGM. This means we need to find a new treasurer, secretary and chairman (although I might stay on as chairman for the sake of continuity between committees....). It could be you! The committee posts are open to anyone who regularly attends the meetings. This is your chance to influence the direction the group takes, organise talks you think will be interesting, etc etc.

Please e-mail me if you're interested in attending the AGM, and I'll arrange a venue based on how many will be attending.

Lars Williams

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pain management tutorial

You are invited to attend a lecture on "Neuropathic Pain" on February 6th, Tuesday.

The lecture will be given at the Walton Conference Centre, Southern General Hospital.

Time 17:30

Speaker - Dr. Mick Serpell, Consultant in Anaesthesia & Pain Management.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pain management tutorials - 23 January 2007

Here is a gentle reminder of the forthcoming pain management lectures on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007. Remember everyone is welcome but may be especially useful to those sitting exams. The lecture starts at 17.15 for 17.30hrs, and takes place in the Walton Centre, Southern General Hospital. This month is:

Tuesday 23rd Janaury 2007- 17:30
Physiotherapy & Chronic pain by Aline Williams
Back & Musculoskeletal pain by Dr. Gavin Gordon

Mahesh Chaudhari
SpR pain Management

Friday, January 12, 2007

Change of date

Sorry about this, but Prof Bond has unexpectedly had to postpone his talk to
the East and West groups, so we have had to reschedule the joint meeting.


All details are otherwise unchanged.

Once again, sorry for any inconvenience this causes. If you have sent your
deposit already and are unable to attend on the new date, please let me know
and I'll arrange a refund.

Otherwise, please continue to send in your deposits to Lew-Chin, whose
details can be found on the attached booking form.



Friday, January 05, 2007

Joint East/West of Scotland Pain Groups Meeting

We are now taking bookings for the joint East/West of Scotland Pain Groups meeting, thursday 22nd February 2007, 7pm, Lang's Hotel, Glasgow. Professor Sir Michael Bond will be speaking, with dinner to follow. We will have to ask for a nominal £10 payment, which will cover the meal and wine.

Further information about the hotel can be found here:

Contrary to my last e-mail, we should now be able to cater for up to 60 attendees. But I have received a strong initial response, so places are going fast.

If you would like to go you must send £10 with your details to Dr Lew-Chin Chee BEFORE MONDAY JANUARY 29th.

Best wishes
