Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pain management tutorial

Here is a reminder of the forthcoming pain management tutorial in December.
Remember everyone is welcome but may be especially useful to those sitting exams. The lecture starts at 17.15 for 17.30hrs, and takes place in the Walton Centre, Southern General Hospital.

This month is:
Tuesday 5th December 2006:
Ketamine for pain relief in Acute pancreatitis - a case presentation by Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari, Advanced Trainee, Pain Management, Glasgow.
Assessment in Chronic Pain Patients- Dr Mike Basler, Consultant Anaesthesia & Pain Management, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Friday, November 24, 2006

December meeting

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no West of Scotland Pain
Group meeting this December. The next meeting will therefore be the proposed
joint West / East meeting in February 2007. We will put on an 'extra'
meeting in March 2007 to make up for dropping the December meeting - more
details to follow.