Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Notice of Meeting: AGM Wednesday 24th May

The West of Scotland AGM will be held on Wednesday 24th May, at a time (evening) and venue to be confirmed. We'll be going over business matters, incl treasurer's report, etc. We'll also be discussing ideas for next season's meetings. The AGM is open to any members of the WoSPG, as are the positions of chair, treasurer and secretary.

This year, to make things more pleasant for the long-suffering office-bearers, we will be holding the meeting somewhere nice, like a pub or a restaurant in Glasgow. If you intend coming please let me know by e-mail by the end of April, so that I can book somewhere according to numbers.

Otherwise, we are always open to any ideas for future talks, or different venues or times. Even if you can't make the AGM, please e-mail suggestions to me.


Lars Williams

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Notice of meeting: Pain and Palliative Care Services in the West of Scotland - Altogether Better?

Thursday 1st June 2006 1800-2100
Pain and Palliative Care Services in the West of Scotland - Altogether Better?
Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow.

Chairperson: Dr Pete Mackenzie

1800-1900 Food and drink

1900-1915 Introduction
Education in Pain Management -Dr Pete Mackenzie Regional Adviser in Pain Management, West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia

1930 Education in Palliative Care -Dr Kathleen Sherry, Regional Adviser in Palliative Medicine, West of Scotland Deanery

1930-2000 Open forum/Action Points

2000-2015 Cancer Pain: The Role of the Pain Service -Dr Lisa Manchanda, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management North Glasgow Division

2015-2030 Cancer Pain: The Role of the Palliative Care Service -Dr Alison Mitchell Consultant in Palliative Medicine Beatson Oncology Centre

2030-2100 Open forum/Action Points

Please note that this meeting is not being conducted under the auspices of West of Scotland Pain Group, but many members of the Group will find it of interest.

Friday, April 14, 2006

WoSPG tutorial - 10th May 2006

10th May 2006 at 1715
Interventional Pain Management -Dr Pete Mackenzie

Palliative Care/Cancer Pain Management -Dr Paul Keeley

Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow.