Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Change to programme

Unfortunately Dr McAllister is unable to speak to the WSPG on Wednesday 28 November 2012. However, we are lucky in that Emma Mair, who is a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist with the Glasgow Pain Management Service, has volunteered to speak on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Graded Motor Imagery on that evening.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Listen again: The psychology of suicide risk

Listen again to Prof O'Connor's lecture given to the West of Scotland Pain Group.

Alternatively, you can download the mp3 file here.

Suicide Behaviour Research Laboratory

Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model (IMV) of Suicidal Behaviour

Slides from a related lecture on Understanding Suicidal Behaviour

Apologies for the curtailed recording - a result of human error on the part of your audio man.