Saturday, December 13, 2008

Listen to the lecture: Fear avoidance and its effect on adherence to treatment, a physiotherapist's perspective

Download an mp3 file of the lecture or listen to streaming audio:

We apologise for the poor audio quality in parts of this recording.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Prof. Irene Tracey on fMRI and pain

Always on the lookout for interesting pain-related podcasts, we are delighted to bring you a discussion from the University of Oxford with Professor Irene Tracey.

Download Irene Tracey on FMRI and Pain

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Notice of meeting: The role of illness perceptions and medicine beliefs in adherence to chronic pain medication

The role of illness perceptions and medicine beliefs in adherence to chronic pain medication.
Dr Leanne Ramsay, Clinical Psychologist

Tuesday October 7th at 19.00

The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, 232-242 St. Vincent Street Glasgow, G2 5RJ

A buffet dinner will be served at 6pm before the talk.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

West of Scotland Pain Group. Winter 2008/2009 timetable

Tuesday 7th October at 7pm
The role of illness perceptions and medicine beliefs in adherence to chronic pain medication.

Dr Leanne Ramsay, Clinical Psychologist

Tuesday 2nd December at 7pm
Fear avoidance and its effect on adherence to treatment. A Physiotherapist’s perspective
Ms Linda Sparks, Senior Physiotherapist

Tuesday 3rd Feb at 7pm
Members' night

Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow
232-242 St Vincent Street
Glasgow G2 5RJ

A buffet dinner will be served before each talk at 6pm

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Present were: David Craig, Robin McKinlay, Jonathan Oates and Lars Williams.

1. Committee posts: Lew-Chin Chee has stepped down as treasurer, and we thank her for her hard work over the years. Jonathan Oates kindly agreed to fill the post of treasurer, and David Craig has stepped in as secretary. Lars Williams will stay on for another year as chairman.

2. Evening meetings: attendance over the year 2007-8 has been reasonable, though still not as high as we had hoped. We all agreed we should concentrate more on local speakers - there are a lot of initiatives and projects taking place in the west of Scotland, and the WoSPG could be a good forum for presenting and publicising local work. The NBPA meetings are probably a better place for 'big name' speakers.

3. Venue: we know the SGH isn't ideal, and we'll look again into finding a more central venue, eg the Royal College of Physicians building on St Vincent St.

4. Training days: in recognition of our growing membership, many of whom are relatively new to the field of pain, we are hoping to hold an educational / training day in the near future, with a mixture of teaching and workshops. Possible topics include communication skills, research and audit.

5. 2008-9 meetings: a few ideas were discussed, and David will be getting in touch with potential speakers soon. We will retain the current arrangement of 3 meetings (one every 2nd month), plus the joint meeting with the East of Scotland Group, maybe Feb 09. We will reinstate the postal notification of meetings (the 'wee card') as well as continuing with e-mails.

Hope to see some of you at meetings when we start again in October

Lars Williams

Chairman, West of Scotland Pain Group

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tick awareness week - Borreliosis

Borreliosis may present as an unusual pain syndrome:

Read this doc on Scribd: Outdoor Pursuits Leaflet

Friday, April 04, 2008

Medical NLP - Health Practitioner Certification Training

Read this doc on Scribd: The Society of Medical NLP

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Continuing our theme of Mindfulness, this is a talk given by Jon Kabat-Zinn to an audience at Google.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Zombies and pain - listen to the lecture

Zombie philosophy - more than a professor with a hangover? How does colourblind Mary know that her lamb is white? And what has this nonsense to do with pain? Dr Tillmann Vierkant of the University of Edinburgh explains to the combined meeting of the East and West of Scotland Pain Groups.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture 37.8Mb Duration: 1:18:51
Listen to lo-fi stream

Further reading:
Zombie Mary and the Blue Banana
Consciousness: an introduction - Susan J Blackmore
The conscious mind : in search of a fundamental theory - David Chalmers

Photo: CC maliciawalls

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Notice of meeting: NBPA Spring Scientific meeting

Monday, January 21, 2008

Notice of meeting: Joint meeting of the East and West of Scotland Pain Groups

Joint meeting of the East and West of Scotland Pain Groups

When: Thursday 28th February 2008

"Zombies and Pain!" - Dr Tillmann Vierkant, Edinburgh University Dept of Philosophy

Venue: The Scotsman Hotel, North Bridge, Edinburgh

Coffee & registration: 6–7pm

Lecture & discussion: 7–8pm

To be followed by a meal

Registration £10, send cheque made payable to "The East of Scotland Pain Group" to
Dr Steve Gilbert, Pain Clinic, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline KY12 0SU

Email: or phone 01383 623623 ext 4749