Monday, January 23, 2006

Notice of meeting: The relation between basic science and clinical pain medicine

Joint meeting of the East & West of Scotland Pain Groups
Thursday 16th February 2006

The relation between basic science and clinical pain medicine
Anthony Dickenson,
Professor of Neuropharmacology, University College London

Venue: The Scotsman Hotel, North Bridge, Edinburgh
Coffee & registration: 6.30 – 7.30pm
Lecture & discussion: 7.30 – 9pm
To be followed by a meal

Registration £10, either send cheque made payable to The East of Scotland Pain Group to Dr Steve Gilbert, Pain Clinic, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline KY12 0SU
Email or
or phone 01383 623623 ext 4749

Motivational Interviewing & health behaviour change

What are the core elements of motivational interviewing? What relevance has it to the practising clinician? How can it be used to effect behaviour change? How can we transfer these skills to the pain clinic? What is the evidence to support MI? These and other questions are addressed by Dr David Craig, Consultant Clinical Psychologist in his lecture to the West of Scotland Pain Group.

Listen again:
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Further reading:


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Notice of meeting: Motivational interviewing & health behaviour change

Date: Wednesday 11th January 2006

January's talk will be given by Dr David Craig, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and is on the subject 'Motivational interviewing & health behaviour change'.

As usual, the talk will be preceded by a hot buffet, 6.15 for 7pm.

Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow.

This meeting is open to all healthcare professionals with an interest in pain.

Please note that the lecture will be recorded for later publication on the Group's website.