Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pain management tutorial

Here is a reminder of the forthcoming pain management tutorial in December.
Remember everyone is welcome but may be especially useful to those sitting exams. The lecture starts at 17.15 for 17.30hrs, and takes place in the Walton Centre, Southern General Hospital.

This month is:
Tuesday 5th December 2006:
Ketamine for pain relief in Acute pancreatitis - a case presentation by Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari, Advanced Trainee, Pain Management, Glasgow.
Assessment in Chronic Pain Patients- Dr Mike Basler, Consultant Anaesthesia & Pain Management, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Friday, November 24, 2006

December meeting

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no West of Scotland Pain
Group meeting this December. The next meeting will therefore be the proposed
joint West / East meeting in February 2007. We will put on an 'extra'
meeting in March 2007 to make up for dropping the December meeting - more
details to follow.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Pain tutorials

Thanks to Judith Wilson for this:
Just another reminder of the West of Scotland Pain Management Lecture. It is held at the Southern General Walton Conference Centre and the lectures commence at 17.30hrs. As always everyone is welcome.

The speakers are as follows:
Tuesday 7th November 2006-
Psychology in Chronic Pain: Dr David Craig
Pharmacological Management of Pain: Dr Lisa Manchanda

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mindfulness - Resources

Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2001) Full Catastrophe Living.
Gives a comprehensive account of the approach in a self-help format. Particularly focussed on chronic medical conditions but also has a useful section on stress.

Brantley, Jeffrey (2003) Calming Your Anxious Mind.
A digestible self-help introduction to mindfulness, focussing particularly on anxiety.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2004) Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life (also called Wherever You Go, There You Are).
A series of short chapters describing the use of mindfulness in everyday situations.

Segal Z.W., Williams J.M.G., & Teasdale J.D. (2002) Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression.
Describes how the mindfulness approach was developed out of CBT and gives detailed guidance on running a mindfulness course for depression.

Grossman P., Niemann L., Schmidt S. & Walach H. (2004)
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits: A meta-analysis.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 57, 35-43.

Kabat-Zinn J., Lipworth L. & Burney R. (1984)
The clinical use of mindfulness meditation for the self-regulation of chronic pain.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8, 163-190.

Kabat-Zinn J., Lipworth L., Burney R. & Sellers W. (1987)
Four-year follow-up of a meditation-based program for the self-regulation of chronic pain: treatment outcomes and compliance.
Clinical Journal of Pain, 2, 159-173.

The University of Bangor's mindfulness website. Provides courses (including distance learning), and e-group and other resources.

Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness for Beginners
A 2 CD set with talk on mindfulness on CD1 and guided meditations on CD2.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


In the 5th Century BC, the Buddha said "I teach one thing and one thing only: suffering and the end of suffering".

Molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn began teaching mindfulness meditation in Boston in the 1970s.

In this lecture to the West of Scotland Pain Group, we hear Consultant Clinical Psychologist and practising Buddhist Neil Rothwell discuss how mindfulness can help people cope with anxiety, depression and pain.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture and discussion 25.1Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Winter Programme of Talks 2006-7

West of Scotland Pain Group

Tuesday 3rd October 2006
Neil Rothwell, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS Forth Valley

-As a taster, you can listen to Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, talking about Mindfulness on Public Radio International here.

Tuesday 5th December 2006
Speaker and title to be confirmed

Tuesday 6th February 2007
Speaker and title to be confirmed

Please note new venue: all talks will now take place at the Walton Conference Centre, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow.

Talks preceded by hot buffet and opportunity to visit trade stands, approximately 6.15pm. Talks will start at 7pm sharp. To add your name to the Group mailing list, or if you have any suggestions for future talks, e-mail:

These meetings are open to all health professionals with an interest in pain.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Minutes from the AGM

The last session held at the Ebenezer Duncan centre, a joint meeting between chronic pain and palliative care staff, was well-attended and very well received. Although not part of the West of Scotland Pain Group programme, Pete MacKenzie kindly let me advertise the Group to members of the palliative team who attended, and we manged to get a few e-mail addresses to add to the mailing list. So, for those of you who've just joined the mailing list, welcome!

We had an informal AGM in a city centre pub a few weeks ago, and I remained sober enough to take some minutes, which you will find appended to this e-mail, along with the treasurer's report. To save you having to open and read the whole lot, I'll provide a quick summary here:

Attendance hasn't been great, averaging 15 or so per meeting, though it did seem to be picking up towards the end.

A few have complained that the EDC is difficult to get to, so we decided to give another venue a try this year, the Walton Centre at the Southern General in Glasgow. This, I'm told, brings the Group full circle, as it started off meeting at the Walton 20 or so years ago.

We plan to revert back to the original day as well, the first Tuesday of the month. This should make it easier to remember the meetings.

The most controversial change we've planned is to reduce the number of meetings to 3, from 6. Everyone seems to be busy and no-one likes giving up their free time to attend evening meetings, so this should ease the burden, and hopefully improve attendance. The question now is whether we should have 2 speakers / meeting? Any thoughts, please let me know.

Finally, on a positive note, we're going to get outside caterers for the food...another reason to make the effort and attend in October when the meetings start up again. In the meantime, for any late-breaking news, check our website at:

Lars Williams
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management
Honorary Secretary, West of Scotland Pain Group
Southern General Hospital, Glasgow

West of Scotland Pain Group AGM 24th May 2006

Present: Lew-Chin Chee, Robin McKinlay, Lars Williams
Apologies: none

1. Secretary’s Report

(i) Attendance
Numbers low initially, picking up towards the end of the year:
Oct 05= 9
Nov 05=10
Dec 05=15
Jan 06=19
Feb= joint meeting
Mar 06= 20

(ii) Website
We would like to thank Jonathan Oates for setting up and maintaining our website, at
This has proved to be a fantastic resource, both as a noticeboard for up-to-date announcements and as an archive of previous talks, which Jonathan has been recording for us and posting as audio stream feeds and podcasts.

We will contact the NBPA to ask about posting links between our respective websites

(iii) Venue & Catering
The EDC has been a good venue in terms of facilities and cost (free!), but it is difficult to get to from the other Glasgow hospitals. We discussed venue change again, and decided that the Walton Centre in the Southern General campus might be a suitable alternative. We will confirm according to availability.
We will arrange external catering for the coming season.

(iv) Frequency of Meetings
We wonder if we could improve attendance by decreasing the frequency of our meetings. This would lessen the burden on those who find it difficult to attend due to home and family commitments. We could have slightly longer meetings, perhaps with 2 speakers, e.g. speaking for 30 mins, plus 20-30 mins for discussion?
Planned dates for meetings: revert to first Tuesday of the month, October, December, February (for joint meeting)

(v) Joint meeting with the East of Scotland Pain Group
Our turn to arrange the meeting this year, provisionally February 2007. Suggestions for 'star' speakers welcome. Possible venue = Royal College of Physicians, but we’ll look into a hotel option as well.

2. Treasurer’s Report 2005-2006
This was submitted by Lew-Chin and is appended below.


Our fortunes have turned this year with the group making a surplus of £648.38. The main reason for this is the change to a free venue with no promotional stand fee, and less costly catering.

We have closed our Premier Bonus account. The balance from this account has been transferred to the Treasurer’s account to make servicing the Group’s accounts easier.

With our finances looking healthy again we are in a good position to continue to organise high quality education meetings for the Pain Group and also to offer education sponsorship. Our efforts will be guided by the attendance at these meetings.


Anticipated balance of funds reported 2004 – 2005 = 3361.94
Anticipated balance of funds reported 2003 – 2004 = 3044.86

FINANCIAL YEAR 4.4.2005 – 5.4.2006


Catering = 202.5

Hall hire = 0

Fee for promotional stands = 0

Speakers gifts = 200.00

Outstanding catering (not yet invoiced) = 200.00 (estimate)



Trade stands = 1200

Interest (4.4.2005 – 5.4.2006)
Treasurers Account(estimate) = 8.60
Premier Bonus Account (estimate) = 41.78

TOTAL INCOME = 1250.38

SURPLUS = 648.38

Premier Bonus Account (now closed) = 2105.19
Treasurers Account = 1507.41

COMBINED ACCOUNT BALANCE 5.4.6 (est) = 3675.6


3. Chairman’s Report

Robin thanked the committee for their hard work during the last year. Thanks are also due to Steve Gilbert for arranging a successful joint meeting in Edinburgh. Several ideas for future meetings were discussed.

4. Speakers for next year
LW and RM will liase with ideas. As ever, all suggestions gratefully received.

Meeting closed 2000hrs
LW 28/6/6

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Notice of meeting: Pain Research in Scotland - From populations to patients, 19th September 2006

A research meeting for chronic pain in Scotland will be held in Aberdeen on the 19th September.

Institute of Applied Health Sciences Seminar
Pain Research in Scotland: From populations to patients
19th September 2006, 1230-1630
Seminar Room Level 7, Institute of Medical Sciences,
University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen.

Click here to download the flyer.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Notice of Meeting: Modern Pain Management - Saturday 26th August 2006

Modern Pain Management

presented by the Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
University of Edinburgh

Saturday 26th August 2006

The Chancellors Building,
Little France Crescent, Edinburgh
Lecture Theatre A

09.30 to 15.30
Registration fee £15.00 includes morning coffee and lunch

Topics: Professor Marie Fallon (Palliative Care), Dr Susan Nimmo (Acute rehabilitation), Dr John Wilson (Pain after limb amputation) and Dr David Gillanders (Identity and chronic pain), case study presentations, pain scenarios and plenty of opportunity for audience interaction and discussion.

Essay Prize Competition: A prize of a substantial bursary for the MSc in Pain Management of the University of Edinburgh ( will be offered for the best essay on the subject of 'The importance of good pain relief'. The essay should be up to 1,000 words, and submitted by Wednesday 16th August to the address given below.

Presentation Prize Competition: Prizes will be available for those who submit short presentations on the Study Day. Applications by the 1st of August, in the form of a short abstract. The presentation should be of the order of up to 10 minutes, and can be on any subject from the field of pain medicine in its wider sense.

Cheques in Pounds sterling for £15 should be made payable to 'Edinburgh Anaesthesia Festival'. The completed application form should be returned to Mrs C Middleton, University Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Little France, Edinburgh EH16 4SA. Tel: 0131 242 3292; fax: 0131 242 3138.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

WoSPG tutorial - 14th June 2006

Managing Difficult Neuropathic Pain - Dr Judith Wilson
Evidence Based Treatment - Dr Colin Rae

As usual it will be held at the Ebenezer Duncan Centre, and the programme will begin about 17.15.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Pain and Palliative Care Services in the West of Scotland - Altogether Better?

An evening meeting held on 1st June 2006 between members of the chronic pain and palliative care teams in the West of Scotland.

The recording includes talks on
Education in Pain Management by Dr Pete Mackenzie
Regional Adviser in Pain Management, West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia
Education in Palliative Care by Dr Kathleen Sherry, Regional Adviser in Palliative Medicine, West of Scotland Deanery.

To my utter embarassment, I ran out of power and failed to capture the talks on intrathecal drug delivery given by Dr Lisa Manchanda and Dr Alison Mitchell. Sorry!!

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture and discussion 16.9Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Notice of Meeting: AGM Wednesday 24th May

The West of Scotland AGM will be held on Wednesday 24th May, at a time (evening) and venue to be confirmed. We'll be going over business matters, incl treasurer's report, etc. We'll also be discussing ideas for next season's meetings. The AGM is open to any members of the WoSPG, as are the positions of chair, treasurer and secretary.

This year, to make things more pleasant for the long-suffering office-bearers, we will be holding the meeting somewhere nice, like a pub or a restaurant in Glasgow. If you intend coming please let me know by e-mail by the end of April, so that I can book somewhere according to numbers.

Otherwise, we are always open to any ideas for future talks, or different venues or times. Even if you can't make the AGM, please e-mail suggestions to me.


Lars Williams

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Notice of meeting: Pain and Palliative Care Services in the West of Scotland - Altogether Better?

Thursday 1st June 2006 1800-2100
Pain and Palliative Care Services in the West of Scotland - Altogether Better?
Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow.

Chairperson: Dr Pete Mackenzie

1800-1900 Food and drink

1900-1915 Introduction
Education in Pain Management -Dr Pete Mackenzie Regional Adviser in Pain Management, West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia

1930 Education in Palliative Care -Dr Kathleen Sherry, Regional Adviser in Palliative Medicine, West of Scotland Deanery

1930-2000 Open forum/Action Points

2000-2015 Cancer Pain: The Role of the Pain Service -Dr Lisa Manchanda, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management North Glasgow Division

2015-2030 Cancer Pain: The Role of the Palliative Care Service -Dr Alison Mitchell Consultant in Palliative Medicine Beatson Oncology Centre

2030-2100 Open forum/Action Points

Please note that this meeting is not being conducted under the auspices of West of Scotland Pain Group, but many members of the Group will find it of interest.

Friday, April 14, 2006

WoSPG tutorial - 10th May 2006

10th May 2006 at 1715
Interventional Pain Management -Dr Pete Mackenzie

Palliative Care/Cancer Pain Management -Dr Paul Keeley

Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nurse-led clinics in primary and secondary care

Christine Sinclair is a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Middlesbrough, with a long experience of nurse-led pain clinics, both in hospital and in the community. In her talk to the West of Scotland Pain Group on Wednesday 8th March, she described setting up primary-care clinics in Middlesbrough and how the new system in England of Payment By Results might affect the balance between primary and secondary care provision.

Listen again:
Download mp3 of lecture and discussion 35.9Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Notice of Meeting: Nurse-led clinics in primary and secondary care

Nurse-led clinics in primary and secondary care
Christine Sinclair, CNS Pain Management, Middlesbrough.

The next meeting of the West of Scotland Pain Group, the last for this academic year, will be on Wednesday 8th March, 6.15pm for 7pm, at the Ebenezer Duncan Centre.

Christine Sinclair is a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Middlesbrough, with a long experience of nurse-led pain clinics, both in hospital and in the community. Her talk comes at a time when we are starting to set up nurse-led medication review clinics in Glasgow, not to mention the growing pressure for community-based pain services, so should be particularly relevant for us.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Notice of meeting: The relation between basic science and clinical pain medicine

Joint meeting of the East & West of Scotland Pain Groups
Thursday 16th February 2006

The relation between basic science and clinical pain medicine
Anthony Dickenson,
Professor of Neuropharmacology, University College London

Venue: The Scotsman Hotel, North Bridge, Edinburgh
Coffee & registration: 6.30 – 7.30pm
Lecture & discussion: 7.30 – 9pm
To be followed by a meal

Registration £10, either send cheque made payable to The East of Scotland Pain Group to Dr Steve Gilbert, Pain Clinic, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline KY12 0SU
Email or
or phone 01383 623623 ext 4749

Motivational Interviewing & health behaviour change

What are the core elements of motivational interviewing? What relevance has it to the practising clinician? How can it be used to effect behaviour change? How can we transfer these skills to the pain clinic? What is the evidence to support MI? These and other questions are addressed by Dr David Craig, Consultant Clinical Psychologist in his lecture to the West of Scotland Pain Group.

Listen again:
Download lo-fi mp3 16.4Mb
Listen to lo-fi stream

View slides as pdf

Further reading:


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Notice of meeting: Motivational interviewing & health behaviour change

Date: Wednesday 11th January 2006

January's talk will be given by Dr David Craig, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and is on the subject 'Motivational interviewing & health behaviour change'.

As usual, the talk will be preceded by a hot buffet, 6.15 for 7pm.

Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow.

This meeting is open to all healthcare professionals with an interest in pain.

Please note that the lecture will be recorded for later publication on the Group's website.