Chronic Pain Services in Scotland (known as 'The McEwen Report') was published in 2004. It was commissioned by the Scottish Executive and carried out by Professor James McEwen.
Professor McEwen's remit was:
"Through a process that includes consultation with key stakeholders, including NHS Boards, the Pain Association and Pain Concern (as representatives of the interests of patients), the Scottish Network for Chronic Pain Research, the Physiotherapy
Pain Association, Aberdeen Pain Research Group and individual clinicians with a particular expertise, which includes some members of the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Chronic Pain, to produce a report that:
reviews referral protocols for the treatment of chronic pain;
reviews the current range of services in each of the health boards for treating chronic pain;
draws conclusions about the level of services for treating chronic pain across Scotland, compared to the recommendations made by the 1994 report by a working group of the National Medical Advisory Committee on the Management of Patients with Chronic Pain and the 2000 Clinical Standard Advisory Group Report on Services for
Patients with Pain;
makes recommendations on how to improve the level of service across Scotland."
At the West of Scotland Pain Group meeting on Wednesday 14th December 2005, we discussed the Report and its implications. The meeting was recorded and I have divided it into three parts. In this programme we hear a personal view by Dr Mike Basler, Consultant Anaesthetist at Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
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pain politics health service planning scotlandThe music in this podcast is by
Reza Manzoori and is available for download at It is played under a
Creative Commons License.